Session 6A: Optimization Methods

Chair: Michael Tiller
Wednesday, 14:00 - 15:40, Stadtsaal

Title: First and second order parameter sensitivities of a metabolically and isotopically non-stationary biochemical network model
Authors: Ralf Hannemann-Tamás, Jana Tillack, Moritz Schmitz, Michael Förster, Jutta Wyes, Katharina Nöh, Eric von Lieres, Uwe Naumann, Wolfgang Wiechert and Wolfgang Marquardt
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Title: Collocation Methods for Optimization in a Modelica Environment
Authors: Fredrik Magnusson and Johan Åkesson
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Title: Parallel Multiple-Shooting and Collocation Optimization with OpenModelica
Authors: Bernhard Bachmann, Lennart Ochel, Vitalij Ruge, Mahder Gebremedhin, Peter Fritzson, Vaheed Nezhadali, Lars Eriksson and Martin Sivertsson
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Title: Optimization Library for Interactive Multi-Criteria Optimization Tasks
Authors: Andreas Pfeiffer
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