Papers from: Blochwitz, Torsten

Title: Functional Mockup Interface 2.0: The Standard for Tool independent Exchange of Simulation Models
Authors: Torsten Blochwitz, Martin Otter, Johan Åkesson, Martin Arnold, Christoph Clauß, Hilding Elmqvist, Markus Friedrich, Andreas Junghanns, Jakob Mauss, Dietmar Neumerkel, Hans Olsson and Antoine Viel
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Title: Translating Modelica to HDL: An Automated Design Flow for FPGA-based Real-Time Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulations
Authors: Christian Köllner, Torsten Blochwitz and Thomas Hodrius
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Title: Functional Mock-up Interface in Mechatronic Gearshift Simulation for Commercial Vehicles
Authors: Andreas Abel, Torsten Blochwitz, Alexander Eichberger, Peter Hamann and Udo Rein
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